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We've compiled the most common questions and answers to make it easy for you. If you have other questions, you're always welcome to contact us.



Pre-analysis: How to identify opportunities and potential in your project.

Before a project begins, it's important to understand what is possible and where there is potential for improvement. The pre-analysis helps clarify what opportunities exist and where the project can have the greatest impact. It's about assessing how much work is needed and how costs can be best reduced while making processes efficient.

Strategic Analysis: Tools for Future Savings and Action Plans

A strategic analysis examines procurement from all angles to ensure the greatest possible value is achieved. The study includes factors such as purchasing frequency, the quality of the purchased goods or services, and how well suppliers perform. The goal here is to find areas where costs can be reduced and collaboration with suppliers can be improved.

Procurement Analysis: An Effective Way to Reduce Costs

A procurement analysis helps to get a clear picture of how a company or public institution procures. The focus is on how procurement can be smarter and how collaboration with suppliers can be improved - which ultimately helps to keep costs under control. Thus, it's about making better decisions and gaining more control over procurement.

Spend Analysis: Gain More Control Over Your Expenses and Supply Chain

A spend analysis provides insight into how money is spent. Procurement data is collected and analyzed to identify opportunities for cost savings and supply chain optimization.

Optimization Analysis: Discover the Potential for Valuable Improvements

he optimization analysis shows where there is potential for improvement. Existing contracts and their relevance to needs are reviewed. The analysis identifies opportunities to improve processes and use resources more efficiently, so the most value is obtained from contracts.

The purpose of the optimization analysis is to highlight areas with potential for optimization. Optimization can involve ensuring optimal prices through competitive tendering or optimizing within already existing contracts. Optimization can be based on changing processes or contract terms that lead to better resource use. In the optimization analysis, we look at:

• How is the customer currently covered by agreements?

• Do the agreements match the customer's needs?

• Is the agreement being used as intended?

• To what extent are the agreements being used?

• What potentials exist in areas that are not covered by agreements?

• Which areas can we optimize today to free up resources?


What is Contract Management?

Effective contract management contributes to ensuring that the organization realizes the expected value from its contracts and minimizes the risk of conflicts and disputes. This is particularly important in complex business environments where multiple contracts and obligations need to be managed simultaneously. For many organizations, the use of specialized contract management tools is a crucial part of the process to automate and organize contract handling.

Key activities within contract management include:

1. Contract Drafting:
Creating and drafting the contract that clearly specifies all terms, conditions, deliverables, deadlines, and other relevant information.

2. Negotiation:
Negotiating the terms of the contract with the other party to ensure mutual acceptance and understanding.

3. Approval:
Obtaining the necessary approvals and signatures from relevant stakeholders before the contract takes effect.

4. Implementation:
Initiating all activities necessary to fulfill the contract's terms and requirements.

5. Monitoring and Reporting:
Continuous monitoring of contract performance, evaluation of performance, and reporting of results and any deviations from the contract.

6. Risk Management:
Identification and management of potential risks during the contract period to minimize negative consequences.

7. Change Management:
Handling changes to the contract that may arise due to changed requirements, circumstances, or other factors.

8. Termination:
Ending the contract upon its expiration or as a result of fulfilling conditions, including handling any remaining obligations or payments.

9. Documentation:
Accurate documentation of all contract-related activities, changes, and communication to maintain a clear and updated contract history.

10. Supplier and Stakeholder Management:
Interacting with suppliers and stakeholders to maintain healthy collaborative relationships and address any contractual issues.

What is supplier management?

We ensure transparency in the supplier relationship. In procurement, there are two levels of compliance:

Compliance 1:
Are we purchasing the agreed-upon goods or services from the agreed-upon suppliers?

Compliance 2:
Are we then purchasing the specific goods and services from the suppliers we have a contract with?

We often see that the customer is buying the right category of goods or services from the right suppliers, and thus it appears that the agreement is being optimally utilized. This is the compliance level 1.

In detailed controlling, we go down to the item level. Here, we examine whether the agreed-upon goods or services are being purchased from the supplier with whom the customer has a contract. Controlling contract compliance at the item level is compliance level 2.

We have conducted analyses for customers where their compliance level 1 was around 80 percent. Thus, the customer was purchasing goods and services from the suppliers they had a contract with. However, when the analysis delved into compliance level 2 and examined whether the actual goods and services purchased were the ones the customer had a contract with the supplier for, compliance level 2 dropped to 30 percent.

The conclusion is that the customer was buying the goods from the right supplier, but the customer was not buying the right goods from the right supplier. By ensuring that the customer purchases the right goods and services from the right supplier in the future, savings are achieved.

What is contract management?

Get control over your contracts, agreements, and financial obligations. By having control over your agreements, there is money to be saved. You gain insight and stand better in negotiations with suppliers in the future. Here, you ensure that you have up-to-date agreements and pay for what you need.

  • What is the notice period?
  • Is the contract automatically extended?
  • Are there automatically added extra fees to the agreement?
  • Has your business case changed over time?
  • Does your agreement still meet legal requirements?
  • When can you claim compensation?

We find that many of our customers do not have a complete overview of their contracts and other financial obligations. Contracts are often continuously entered into decentrally or by employees who had the overview but have since taken on another job. Unfortunately, many invoices are paid simply because it is a supplier that the customer usually pays regularly.

We start by reviewing the contracts you have, and then we look through your invoice data to identify other matters that need to be investigated. Our experience is that, on average, we are given 20 contracts, but regardless of the size of the customer, we find around 100 active contracts or recurring financial obligations.

We also offer digitization of your contracts through our contract management system Contractpedia.

See more information about Contractpedia here.


Economic leeway: What Is It and How Can It Be Improved?

When the public sector or a private company gains increased economic leeway, they have more room in the economy for new or expanding initiatives. For example, the public sector could use this additional economic space in the budget to hire more nurses or be able to offer more working hours.

To achieve improved economic "råderum," it is important to find areas with potential savings. A typical place to look for such opportunities is among expenses that are relatively high. But what defines high expenses? A good method to identify them is by comparing with similar expenses elsewhere. For example, the West area spends double the amount on coffee compared to the East area. This may indicate that people in the West might drink more coffee or that they pay higher prices.

When comparing, it is best to choose two or more that are as similar as possible. This way, you get an accurate picture of the differences and can identify where savings can be achieved.

At IKR, our primary task is to help you find and exploit such savings potentials. We offer an analysis that identifies areas with high or rising costs and assesses your supplier contracts for possible savings. We also establish benchmarks or standards that give you a clear picture of your expenses compared to desired or optimal conditions.

By conducting this analysis, we can help calculate savings potential and find the best opportunities to optimize expenses. This may involve negotiating better prices with suppliers, consolidating purchases, or optimizing inventory. Our goal is to create an economy where more space is achieved in the economic "råderum" and its opportunities through effective savings and optimization.


What is the management of copy and print operations?

The management of copy and print operations refers to the control and optimization of the processes associated with photocopiers and printers in an organization. This area of management focuses on improving efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing the reliability of copying and printing infrastructure.

Effective management of copy and print operations is crucial to ensure that the organization maximizes efficiency and reduces overall costs associated with copying and printing.

Here are some key elements involved in managing copy and print operations:

1. Equipment monitoring:
Implementation of monitoring tools to track the performance of photocopiers and printers. This may include monitoring consumables such as toner and paper as well as detecting errors and operational issues.

2. Resource allocation:
Efficient management of resources such as paper, ink, or toner to avoid waste and ensure an adequate supply at all times.

3. User management:
Implementation of systems to manage user rights and access to photocopiers and printers. This may include restricting access to color printing, double-sided printing, and other features.

4. Cost management:
Monitoring and controlling the costs associated with copying and printing. This may include quantifying print consumption, calculating costs per page, and implementing cost-saving policies.

5. Environmental initiatives:
Implementation of green and sustainable practices, such as double-sided printing, selection of environmentally friendly materials, and reduction of energy consumption.

6. Automation:
Use of automation to simplify and streamline copying and printing processes. This may include automated tasks such as toner refills, remote equipment monitoring, and automatic billing.

7. Security:
Implementation of security measures to protect confidential information printed or copied. This may include user authentication, data encryption, and secure deletion of temporary files.

8. Accounting:
Tracking and reporting print costs on an individual or departmental level. This can help identify areas for cost reduction or optimization.

What is the management of goods and services?

Management of goods and services refers to the process of planning, implementing, and optimizing the daily operations and activities involved in delivering products and services. The purpose of management is to ensure efficiency, quality, cost control, and customer satisfaction. This concept encompasses a wide range of functions and tasks, with key elements varying depending on the type of business.

Effective management is crucial for a company's success as it affects both costs and customer/user satisfaction. It involves constant evaluation and optimization of processes to adapt to changing market conditions and customer demands.

Here are some fundamental aspects of goods and services management:

1. Planning:
Developing strategic and tactical plans for how the company will deliver its goods and services. This may include production planning, inventory management, staffing, and other operational aspects.

2. Production and Delivery:
Monitoring and managing production processes for goods or delivery of services. This often involves coordinating resources such as labor, raw materials, technology, and equipment.

3. Quality Control:
Implementing processes and procedures to ensure that both goods and services meet required quality standards. This may include inspection, testing, and evaluation of results.

4. Inventory Management:
Efficient handling of stocks and inventory facilities to ensure that sufficient goods are available to meet demand without excess.

5. Personnel Administration:
Managing labor, including recruitment, training, and maintaining morale. This may also include implementing effective work procedures and safety standards.

6. Technology Utilization:
Integrating and applying relevant technology to automate processes, improve efficiency, and increase accuracy in delivering goods and services.

7. Logistics and Distribution:
Optimizing the supply chain, including transportation, warehousing, and distribution of goods or execution of services.

8. Customer Service:
Establishing and maintaining effective customer service processes to meet customer needs and handle complaints and inquiries.

9. Cost Management:
Monitoring and managing operating costs to ensure they remain within budget and are proportionate to the company's earnings.

10. Risk Management:
Identifying and managing potential risks that may affect the delivery of goods and services, including supply chain risks, compliance risks, and other operational threats.

What is management of food, consumer goods & cars?

Management of food, consumer goods, and cars refers to the control of operational processes and activities within these specific sectors. Each area has its own unique challenges and requirements, but basic principles of management are generally applied to ensure efficiency, quality, and cost control.

These areas of management often involve the use of modern technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, and automation to improve processes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. A central goal in all these sectors is to ensure that the supply chain is smooth, the quality is consistently high, and operating costs are kept reasonable.

Here are some key aspects of management within these three sectors:

Food Management:

  • Supply Chain Optimization: Monitoring and managing all steps in the food supply chain, including production, distribution, storage, and retail.
  • Quality Control: Tight quality control to ensure that food meets applicable standards and is safe for consumers.
  • Inventory Management: Efficient handling of inventory facilities to minimize waste and ensure that fresh products are properly preserved.
  • Demand Forecasting: Using technologies and methods to predict demand and optimize production levels.

Consumer Goods Management:

  • Production Planning: Optimizing production processes to meet demand and minimize inventory.
  • Branding and Marketing: Coordinating branding initiatives and marketing campaigns to maximize product visibility and sales.
  • Business Partnerships: Managing relationships with suppliers, retailers, and other business partners to ensure a smooth supply chain.

Car Management:

  • Fleet Management: Monitoring and managing vehicle fleets to optimize vehicle usage and reduce maintenance costs.
  • Service and Maintenance: Implementing regular maintenance routines to maintain the operational efficiency of cars and extend their lifespan.
What is classical controlling?

Classical controlling, also known as traditional controlling, refers to the fundamental principles and methods within financial management and control of business processes. Classical controlling encompasses the traditional approaches to planning, monitoring, and managing the finances and performance of organizations.

Here are some key features of classical controlling:

1. Budgeting:
Classical controlling often involves the preparation of annual budgets, where the organization plans and allocates resources to different activities. The budget serves as a reference point for assessing actual results against planned results.

2. Periodic Reporting:
There is a focus on regular and periodic reporting of financial results and key performance indicators. These reports enable management to assess how the organization is performing relative to set goals and budgets.

3. Variance Analysis:
Using variance analysis, differences between actual results and budgeted results are examined. This helps identify deviations and understand why they occurred, so necessary adjustments can be made.

4. Performance Evaluation:
Classical controlling often includes performance evaluation based on established goals and metrics. This may involve individual performance assessment as well as evaluation of departmental or overall company performance.

5. Cost Management:
There is a focus on cost management to ensure that the organization operates within the established budgetary constraints. This involves monitoring costs and identifying areas where cost savings can be achieved.

6. Goal Setting and Monitoring:
Establishing clear goals and metrics that the organization aims for, and ongoing monitoring to measure progress and identify any necessary adjustments.

7. Forecasting:
In addition to budgeting, classical controlling often includes a forecasting process where the organization attempts to predict future financial results based on current and historical data.

8. Internal Control:
Implementing internal control procedures and policies to ensure that accounting and business processes are carried out correctly and in compliance with guidelines and standards.

What is in-depth controlling?

In-depth controlling aims to provide the organization with a more nuanced and advanced understanding of its operations and results. This can support more precise and strategically focused decisions as well as help identify areas for efficiency improvements and value creation.

At IKR, we call it "Level 2" controlling, meaning controlling down to the product line level. Price control, compared with the agreement, and possibly E-portal controlling at the order number level.

This may include the following aspects:

1. Advanced Analysis:
In-depth controlling involves the use of advanced analytical tools and techniques to uncover deeper insights into the company's performance. This may include statistical methods, data mining, and advanced modeling.

2. Big Data and Analytics:
The use of large datasets (Big Data) and advanced analytics to analyze complex datasets and identify hidden patterns, trends, and business opportunities.

3. Business Intelligence (BI):
Implementation of BI tools to collect, analyze, and present business data in a meaningful way, enabling more informed decisions across the organization.

4. Predictive Analytics:
Using predictive analytics to forecast future results based on historical data and current performance indicators.

5. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
Expanding the set of metrics to include key performance indicators that go beyond traditional financial measurements and include operational and strategic indicators.

6. Benchmarking:
Comparing the organization's performance to industry standards or best practices to identify areas for improvement.

7. Automation:
Implementing automated processes and tools to streamline data collection, analysis, and reporting, reducing manual processes and the risk of errors.

8. Risk Management:
Integration of more sophisticated methods of risk assessment and management to identify potential threats and opportunities that may affect the organization's goals.

9. Strategic Controlling:
Linking controlling activities to the organization's overall strategy to ensure that all decisions and actions support the strategic objectives.

What is controlling of e-commerce portals?

Controlling of e-commerce portals or e-procurement portals refers to the management and optimization of the financial, operational, and strategic aspects of electronic trading platforms. Controlling of e-commerce portals is a continuous process that requires regular evaluation and adjustment to meet changing market trends and needs. Technological innovations and data analysis play a crucial role in improving and optimizing operations and results within the e-commerce domain.

Here are some key elements of controlling e-commerce portals:

1. Transaction Control:
Monitoring and managing transaction processes to ensure that orders are processed correctly and payments are securely completed. This also includes handling return processes and customer complaints.

2. Inventory Management:
Effective management of product inventory to avoid overstocking or shortages. This may include inventory optimization, implementation of accurate inventory systems, and supply chain management.

3. Customer Service and Support:
Monitoring customer service processes, including responding to inquiries, complaints, and problem-solving. Ensuring that the customer experience is positive and meets expectations.

4. Website Performance and User Experience:
Evaluating and improving website performance, including speed, ease of navigation, and responsive design to create an optimal user experience.

5. Web Traffic Analysis:
Using web analytics tools to track and analyze web traffic, conversion rates, and other relevant metrics. This provides insight into how users interact with the e-commerce portal.

6. Product Pricing:
Monitoring product prices and pricing dynamics to remain competitive in the market. This may include dynamic pricing and offer management.

7. Digital Marketing:
Managing digital marketing strategies, including social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and online advertising, to attract and retain customers.

8. Security and Personal Data Protection:
Implementing security measures to protect customers' personal information and ensure a secure online shopping experience.

9. Benchmarking:
Comparing the e-commerce portal with competitors to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.

10. Conversion Rate Analysis:
Monitoring conversion rates to understand how well the e-commerce portal converts visitors into actual customers and identifying areas where the conversion process can be improved.

11. Loyalty Programs:
Managing customer loyalty programs and incentives to retain existing customers and attract new ones.

What is contract controlling - agreements?

The purpose of contract controlling is to ensure that both parties adhere to the agreed terms and conditions, that the contract's objectives are met, and that risks are minimized.

Contract controlling is essential to ensure that both parties fulfill their obligations and that risks and potential conflicts are effectively managed. This contributes to the successful implementation of projects or delivery of services and helps build a trusting relationship between the parties to the contract.

Here are some key elements of contract controlling:

1. Contract Drafting:
A careful review and drafting of the contract terms to ensure clarity, accuracy, and compliance with laws and regulations.

2. Budget Management:
Monitoring the financial aspects of the contract, including budgeting, cost management, and ensuring that the project or service is delivered within the agreed financial framework.

3. Risk Management:
Identification and management of potential risks that may affect contract performance. This may include developing risk management strategies and implementing measures to mitigate risks.

4. Time Management:
Monitoring and managing the schedule of the contract, including setting milestones and deadlines to ensure that the project or service is delivered on time.

5. Performance Evaluation: Assessing the contract's results and fulfillment of the established performance goals. This may include periodic evaluations and reporting on the contract's progress.

6. Change Management:
Handling any changes or modifications to the contract and ensuring that both parties agree to such changes.

7. Compliance with Regulations:
Ensuring that all contractual matters comply with applicable laws, regulations, and standards.

8. Communication:
Effective communication between the contracting parties to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that both parties are informed of relevant updates and changes.

9. Documentation:
Proper filing of contract-related documents, including correspondence, meeting notes, and reports. This is important for creating a clear and documented history of the contract's development and fulfillment.

10. Contract Closure:
A proper closure of the contract when all conditions are met, including final reporting and follow-up on any subsequent obligations.

What does collaboration partner mean?

A collaboration partner refers to a person, organization, or entity that engages in a collaboration or partnership with another to achieve common goals or purposes. A collaboration partner can be a party that contributes resources, expertise, or other support to strengthen a mutual effort or realize common interests.

Collaboration partners can vary in nature depending on the context. It may include businesses, non-profit organizations, public institutions, academic institutions, or even individuals. Partnerships can be formed for various reasons, including to achieve economic gains, solve complex problems, share knowledge, or promote common interests.

Collaboration partnerships are common in business, research, development projects, charity work, and many other areas. Successful collaboration often involves trust, openness, clear lines of communication, and a commitment to working together to achieve common goals.

Key characteristics of collaboration partners include:

1. Reciprocity:
Collaboration partners typically share a mutual interest or goal, and the collaboration is expected to benefit both parties.

2. Common Purpose:
There is a clearly defined purpose or objective for the collaboration that both parties strive to achieve.

3. Openness and Communication:
Effective collaboration requires open communication and a clear understanding of expectations and roles for each partner.

4. Contribution and Engagement:
Collaboration partners actively contribute to the collaboration by providing resources, knowledge, expertise, or other forms of support.

5. Flexibility:
Collaborative relationships can evolve over time, and parties often need to be flexible to accommodate changing circumstances or needs.

6. Shared Decision-Making:
In some cases, collaboration involves shared decision-making, where both parties participate in making important decisions.


What is Procurement Optimization?

Procurement optimization refers to the process of improving and streamlining all aspects of the procurement process within an organization to achieve better outcomes and efficiency. This includes not only achieving cost savings but also enhancing the quality of purchased goods and services and strengthening relationships with suppliers. The goal is to achieve desired results with fewer resource expenditures.

Procurement optimization is a continuous process that requires regular evaluation and adjustment to meet changing business needs and market conditions. By optimizing the procurement process, companies can enhance their competitive position and derive greater value from their supplier relationships.

Here are some key aspects of procurement optimization:

1. Supplier Collaboration:
Enhancing collaboration with suppliers to secure better terms, negotiate prices, and potentially secure longer-term contracts. This can lead to more competitive pricing and improved quality.

2. Supplier Selection:
Evaluating and selecting suppliers based on their ability to deliver quality products, meet deadlines, and offer competitive prices. A careful selection process can help reduce the risk of poor deliveries.

3. Strategic Procurement:
Developing and implementing a strategic approach to procurement where the company considers both short-term and long-term goals. This may include identifying key products or services, negotiating framework agreements, and assessing suppliers' overall value.

4. Inventory Management:
Optimizing inventory levels to avoid unnecessary costs and ensure that necessary goods are always available when required.

5. Technology Utilization:
Implementing procurement software, automation, and other technological solutions to streamline the procurement process, improve traceability, and reduce manual errors.

6. Negotiation:
Strong negotiation skills to achieve the best possible terms from suppliers, including competitive prices, discounts, and favorable payment terms.

7. Supplier Performance Evaluation:
Monitoring and evaluating supplier performance over time to ensure they meet agreed-upon standards and requirements.

8. Risk Management:
Identification and management of risks associated with the procurement process, including risks related to supplier failure, price fluctuations, and quality issues.

9. Compliance with Rules and Standards:
Ensuring that procurement activities comply with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.

10. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO):
Considering the total costs associated with procurement, including not only direct costs but also costs related to inventory, maintenance, and any risks.

What is procurement - EU procurement and tendering?

1. Procurement:
Procurement refers to a process where organizations, businesses, or public authorities seek external suppliers or contractors to bid on the delivery of goods, services, or tasks. The purpose of procurement is to create competition and ensure that the organization receives the best possible offers in terms of price, quality, and other relevant factors. The procurement process typically follows a series of steps, including the preparation of procurement documents, publication of the procurement, receipt of bids, evaluation, and awarding the contract to the most qualified supplier.

2. EU Procurement:
EU procurement specifically refers to procurement processes conducted in accordance with the rules and directives of the European Union. The EU has established common rules for public procurement to ensure openness, transparency, and equal access to the market in member states. EU procurement rules apply to public authorities and organizations wishing to enter into contracts above certain threshold values. These rules establish procedures for how procurement should be conducted, including how contracts are advertised, how interested parties can bid, and how contract awarding should be handled.

3. Competitive Tendering:
Competitive tendering is a broader term that refers to the practice of opening up a task, service, or function to competition from external parties, whether through a procurement process or other methods. The purpose of competitive tendering is to achieve efficiency, innovation, and savings by allowing different actors to compete to provide the best solution. This can be done within both public and private organizations. Competitive tendering may involve procurement, but it can also include other forms of market competition, such as when companies compete among themselves for a contract without a formal procurement process.

What is category management?

Category management (also known as category leadership or category management in English) is a strategic approach to the procurement process where goods and services are organized into categories to optimize the outcomes of procurement activities. The purpose is to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase the value of purchases by applying a holistic and strategic approach to each category.

By implementing category management, organizations can optimize their procurement activities and achieve better results across various product and service categories.

Here are some key aspects of category management:

1. Category Strategy:
Developing specific strategies for each procurement category based on business objectives, market conditions, and the supplier landscape. This involves understanding the needs within each category and identifying opportunities for improvement.

2. Category Segmentation:
Dividing the procurement portfolio into different categories based on common characteristics such as goods or services, supply chain complexity, supplier landscape, and consumption patterns.

3. Data Analysis:
Using data analysis to evaluate historical performance, identify trends, and discover potential efficiency opportunities within each category.

4. Supplier Relationships:
Strengthening collaboration with suppliers within each category to obtain better terms, increase innovation, and improve the quality of deliveries.

5. Market Research:
Conducting market research and benchmarking to understand competitive conditions, pricing, and best practices within each category.

6. Performance Evaluation:
Ongoing evaluation of performance within each category using key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure that goals and strategies are met.

7. Negotiation:
Using in-depth knowledge of the category during negotiations with suppliers to achieve better prices, terms, and conditions.

8. Risk Management:
Identification and management of risks associated with each category, including supplier failure, price fluctuations, and quality issues.

9. Supply Chain Optimization:
Monitoring and improving supply chain processes within each category to ensure a more efficient and smooth procurement process.

10. Continuous Improvement:
Implementing continuous improvements based on evaluations and learning from performance within each category.

What is the implementation of procurement optimization?

Implementation of procurement optimization involves the process of translating strategies and plans for procurement optimization into concrete actions and practices within the organization. Implementing procurement optimization often requires interdisciplinary collaboration between different departments and levels within the organization. It is also important to have management support and engagement throughout the process to ensure success.

Here are some steps typically involved in implementing procurement optimization:

1. Evaluation of Procurement Portfolio:
Start with a thorough evaluation of the company's overall procurement portfolio. This includes identifying procurement categories, assessing suppliers, and analyzing historical procurement data.

2. Formulation of Category Strategies:
Develop strategies for each procurement category based on business goals, market conditions, and the supplier landscape. Clearly define how each category should be managed to achieve desired results.

3. Segmentation of Categories:
Segment the procurement portfolio into different categories based on common characteristics such as products or services, supply chain complexity, and consumption patterns.

4. Formation of Category and Procurement Teams:
Assemble teams responsible for each procurement category. These teams may include representatives from the procurement department, supplier management, logistics, and other relevant departments.

5. Data Analysis and Benchmarking:
Utilize data analysis to evaluate historical performance and identify potential optimization opportunities. Benchmark against industry standards and best practices to measure performance.

6. Building Supplier Collaboration:
Strengthen collaboration with suppliers within each category. Foster dialogue and understanding of common goals and challenges. Identify opportunities for innovation and streamlining.

7. Implementation of Technology and Tools:
Introduce and implement procurement software, automation, and other technological solutions to streamline processes, enhance traceability, and reduce manual errors.

8. Competency Development:
Ensure that involved employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to handle procurement tasks within their categories. This may include training and development.

9. Negotiation and Contract Management:
Train employees in negotiation techniques and implement effective contract management to ensure that agreements are adhered to and negotiations lead to favorable outcomes.

10. Continuous Optimization:
Establish a culture of continuous improvement. Introduce regular evaluations and learning cycles to adjust strategies and practices based on performance data and changes in the business environment.

11. Goal Setting and Monitoring:
Set clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success and monitor progress. Conduct ongoing monitoring and adjust strategies as needed.

What are SKI agreements?

State and municipal procurement agreements refer to the agreements made between public authorities in Denmark (such as the state, regions, and municipalities) and suppliers. These agreements aim to optimize the procurement process for public institutions by achieving competitive prices, ensuring quality in deliveries, and adhering to rules and procedures for public procurement.

The purpose of these procurement agreements is not only to achieve cost savings but also to ensure that public funds are used efficiently and responsibly. By pooling the purchasing power of various public institutions, better terms can be negotiated, and more transparency can be created in the procurement process.

It is important to note that procurement agreements and procedures may vary between the state and municipalities and are subject to national and European rules on public procurement. Any changes or updates in this area may also affect how procurement agreements are administered.

Some key features of state and municipal procurement agreements include:

1. Framework Agreements:
These agreements may cover a wide range of goods and services and establish the overall terms for procurement within a specific category. Framework agreements make it easier for public institutions to make repeated purchases without having to go through a full tendering process each time.

2. Tendering:
Some procurement agreements may result from a tendering process where suppliers bid to provide specific goods or services. The selected supplier then enters into a contract with the public institution.

3. Supplier Pools:
Supplier pools can be established where multiple suppliers are pre-qualified to provide goods or services within a given category. This allows public institutions to choose from a pool of approved suppliers.

4. Standardization:
To streamline the procurement process and facilitate comparison between bids, standardized specifications and requirements may be incorporated into the procurement agreements.

5. Compliance with EU Rules:
The procurement agreements must comply with the rules for public procurement set by the EU and ensure that the principles of competition are respected.

What does outsourcing of procurement mean?

Outsourcing of procurement refers to the practice of transferring responsibilities and activities related to the procurement of goods and services to an external vendor or service provider. Companies and organizations may choose to outsource their procurement functions for various reasons, including cost savings, specialization, and focusing on core competencies. When procurement tasks are outsourced, they are typically handed over to an external firm specializing in procurement activities.

Some key elements of outsourcing procurement include:

1. External Vendor:
The company outsources procurement tasks to a third party specializing in procurement processes. This could be a procurement agency, a procurement service provider, or a specialized firm in supply chain management.

2. Cost Savings:
One of the main reasons for outsourcing procurement is often the opportunity to achieve cost savings. External vendors may have access to more extensive supplier networks, negotiate better prices, and improve efficiency in the procurement process.

3. Specialized Expertise:
Outsourcing provides companies with access to specialized expertise in the procurement area. External vendors may specialize in specific industries, categories, or geographical areas and bring in-depth knowledge and experience.

4. Focus on Core Competencies:
By outsourcing procurement activities, the company can focus on its core competencies and strategic goals. This can help improve overall efficiency and competitive positioning.

5. Flexibility:
Outsourcing allows companies to be more flexible and adapt to changes in demand, market conditions, and the business environment. It makes it easier to scale up or down as needed.

6. Risk Sharing:
By transferring certain risks and obligations to an external vendor, the company can minimize certain operational and strategic risks associated with the procurement process.

7. Technological Innovation:
Outsourcing can provide access to the latest technologies and tools in procurement management, which can improve process efficiency and traceability.

What is a Procurement Organization?

A procurement organization refers to the dedicated unit or department within a company that is responsible for planning, executing, and managing procurement activities. The purpose of a procurement organization is to ensure that the company acquires the necessary goods and services in line with its needs, strategies, and budgets. The procurement organization can vary in size and structure depending on the complexity of the company, the scope of procurement activities, and industry requirements.

Together, roles and functions within the procurement organization work collaboratively to optimize the procurement process, ensure compliance with standards, and ensure that the company maximizes value from its procurement activities.

Some key elements of a procurement organization include:

1. Procurement Department:
A central department responsible for planning, coordinating, and executing procurement activities. This department may include procurement managers, procurement analysts, and other relevant staff.

2. Procurement Managers:
Managers within the procurement organization responsible for formulating procurement strategies, conducting negotiations, and ensuring that procurement objectives are met.

3. Procurement Analysts:
Professionals who work with data analysis, benchmarking, and evaluation of procurement performance to optimize the procurement process and make informed decisions.

4. Supplier Management:
A part of the procurement organization focused on identifying, evaluating, and collaborating with suppliers to ensure the delivery of high-quality products and competitive prices.

5. Contract Management:
Personnel responsible for negotiating, creating, and administering contracts with suppliers.

6. Procurement Coordinators:
Employees responsible for handling daily tasks within the procurement process, including managing purchase requests, communicating with suppliers, and supporting procurement managers.

7. Budget Controllers:
Individuals who monitor procurement budgets and ensure that procurement activities align with the company's financial guidelines.

8. Compliance Specialists:
Individuals who ensure that procurement activities comply with relevant laws, regulations, and internal guidelines.

9. Technology Specialists:
Employees who handle the implementation and maintenance of procurement systems, automation, and technological tools.

10. Strategic Procurement Planning:
A function that focuses on developing and implementing procurement strategies, including assessing market conditions and the supplier landscape.

What is Procurement Policy?

Procurement policy is a documented guideline outlining the overall principles, procedures, and rules governing a company's procurement activities. The purpose of a procurement policy is to establish a structured approach to procurement, ensure compliance with internal and external standards, and promote transparency and efficiency in the procurement process.

A well-defined procurement policy serves as a valuable tool for managing and regulating procurement activities consistently, thereby helping to minimize risks, improve efficiency, and ensure compliance with legislation and ethical standards.

The procurement policy may vary from company to company, but it typically addresses the following elements:

1. Goals and Objectives:
Clear definitions of the purpose and objectives of the procurement policy. This may include areas such as cost savings, quality management, risk management, and supplier collaboration.

2. Responsibilities and Roles:
Clarification of the responsible parties and roles in the procurement process. This often includes specifying responsibilities for approval, execution of purchases, supplier collaboration, and compliance with the policy.

3. Compliance and Regulations:
Specification of rules and procedures to be followed in procurement activities. This may include compliance with legislation, company internal guidelines, and any industry or standard regulations.

4. Ethical Guidelines:
Establishment of ethical standards and expectations related to procurement. This may include guidelines for business ethics, corruption, and conflict of interest.

5. Budget Management:
Provisions for handling procurement budgets and approval procedures. This may include requirements for pre-approval of procurement expenses and reporting of expenditures.

6. Supplier Collaboration:
Guidelines for selection, evaluation, and collaboration with suppliers. This may include processes for supplier sourcing, supplier performance evaluation, and contract management.

7. Procurement Procedures:
Description of the specific steps and procedures to be followed during the procurement process. This may include requirements for procurement requests, bidding procedures, negotiation, and contract signing.

8. Technology Utilization:
Guidelines for the use of procurement systems, automation, and technological tools to optimize the procurement process.

9. Reporting and Evaluation:
Requirements for reporting and evaluation of procurement activities to maintain transparency and enable continuous improvements.

10. Risk Management:
Description of methods for identifying and managing risks associated with procurement activities.

What is a Procurement Strategy?

A procurement strategy is a plan or guideline that outlines how a company will conduct its procurement activities to meet its overall business objectives. The purpose of a procurement strategy is to provide structure and direction to the procurement process and ensure that procurement activities align with the company's needs and strategic goals. An effective procurement strategy can help optimize cost-effectiveness, improve supplier relationships, and minimize risks.

The procurement strategy should be aligned with the company's overall business strategy and adapted to changing market conditions. It should also take into account risks and opportunities in the procurement environment as well as applicable regulatory requirements. A well-formulated procurement strategy serves as a valuable tool for managing and guiding procurement activities and can help ensure that the company achieves maximum value and efficiency through its procurement efforts.

Key components of a procurement strategy typically include:

1. Goals and Objectives:
Clear definitions of what the company aims to achieve through its procurement activity. This may include cost savings, quality improvement, innovation, or sustainability goals.

2. Category Identification:
Analysis of the company's procurement portfolio to identify and classify different categories of purchased goods and services.

3. Supplier Sourcing:
Selection and evaluation of suppliers within each category. This may involve assessing suppliers' capabilities, reliability, and ability to meet the company's requirements.

4. Competitive Positioning:
Consideration of the company's position in the market and competitive factors. This may include negotiation techniques and strategies to achieve better prices and terms.

5. Risk Management:
Identification and management of risks associated with procurement activities, including supplier failure, price fluctuations, and supply chain risks.

6. Supplier Relationships:
Development and maintenance of strategic supplier relationships to ensure a stable supply chain and enable collaboration on innovation and process improvements.

7. Technology Utilization:
Implementation of procurement technologies and automation tools to improve efficiency, traceability, and data collection in the procurement process.

8. Sustainability and Ethics:
Consideration of sustainability and ethical aspects in the procurement process, including environmental, social, and economic factors.

9. Procurement Procedures:
Establishment of specific procedures for the procurement process, including requirements for procurement requests, bidding processes, negotiation, and contract formation.

10. Evaluation and Optimization:
Establishment of methods for ongoing evaluation of procurement performance and implementation of continuous improvements based on data and results.

What is a Procurement Plan?

A procurement plan is a detailed document that describes the specific activities, steps, and timelines required to execute the procurement process for a given project or a specific period. The purpose of a procurement plan is to provide a structured approach to procurement activities, ensure compliance with the company's procurement policy, and achieve the desired outcomes within the established framework.

A well-formulated procurement plan serves as a valuable tool for managing the procurement process and ensuring that it is carried out efficiently and in line with the company's goals and guidelines. The procurement plan can also serve as a means to communicate clearly with stakeholders and ensure collaboration and understanding across the organization.

Some key elements typically included in a procurement plan include:

1. Project Identification:
Specification of the specific project or period covered by the procurement plan. This may include a project description, goals, and expected duration.

2. Procurement Objectives and Purposes:
Clear definitions of what is sought to be achieved through the procurement activities related to the specific project or period. This may include cost savings, quality improvement, timely delivery, and other objectives.

3. Procurement Needs and Requirements:
Specification of the specific goods or services to be procured, as well as detailed requirements and specifications to meet the project's needs.

4. Resource Allocation:
Specification of the necessary resources to carry out the procurement activities, including personnel, budgets, and technological tools.

5. Schedule:
Establishment of a schedule or timeframe for the procurement activities. This may include specific dates for procurement requests, bidding processes, negotiations, and contract signing.

6. Procurement Method:
Decision on the best method to achieve procurement objectives. This may include direct negotiations, bidding, procurement framework agreements, or other methods.

7. Supplier Identification:
Selection and evaluation of potential suppliers in accordance with the company's policy and the project's needs.

8. Risk Management:
Identification and management of risks that may affect procurement activities. This may include risks related to delivery, quality, price fluctuations, and other factors.

9. Budget Management:
Specification of the financial guidelines and budgets applicable to procurement activities, and how they will be monitored and managed.

10. Approval Procedures:
Specification of the necessary steps and authorities for approving procurement decisions.

11. Contract Management:
Procedures for creating, administering, and monitoring contracts with suppliers.

What is a Procurement Action Plan

A procurement action plan, also known as a procurement strategy or procurement planning process, is a detailed plan outlining the steps and activities to be followed to successfully execute the procurement process. This type of plan serves as an operational guide to help manage all aspects of procurement activities, from identifying needs to delivering goods or services. A procurement action plan may vary depending on the specific needs and requirements of the organization, but some common elements include:

1. Needs Analysis:
Identifying the necessary goods or services, including a clear understanding of requirements and specifications.

2. Budgeting:
Allocating funds and establishing financial guidelines for procurement activities.

3. Procurement Planning:
Establishing timelines and a schedule for the procurement process, including determining when purchases are to be made.

4. Supplier Sourcing:
Selecting and assessing potential suppliers, including evaluating suppliers' capacity, quality, and reliability.

5. Tendering Process:
Determining the appropriate method to obtain competitive bids, such as tendering, request for proposals (RFP), or direct negotiations.

6. Negotiations:
Conducting negotiations with selected suppliers to obtain the best terms and prices.

7. Contracting:
Drafting and signing contracts with selected suppliers that clearly define all terms and obligations.

8. Ordering Process:
Implementing the practical process of placing orders and ensuring deliveries in accordance with the contract.

9. Supplier Collaboration:
Establishing and maintaining a collaborative relationship with suppliers to ensure they fulfill their obligations and to address any challenges that may arise.

10. Reporting and Monitoring:
Implementing reporting and monitoring systems to evaluate procurement performance and identify areas for improvement.

11. Risk Management:
Identifying and managing any risks that may affect the procurement process, such as supplier failure, price fluctuations, or quality issues.

12. Evaluation and Improvement:
Continuously evaluating the procurement process to identify opportunities for improvement and streamlining.

What is a tendering plan?

A tendering plan is a systematic and structured overview of how an organization or project manager will handle the tendering process for the procurement of goods or services. The tendering plan is an essential part of the procurement process and helps ensure that all steps in the tendering process are followed correctly and efficiently.

A well-formulated tendering plan is crucial to ensuring an open and competitive procurement process where potential suppliers have equal opportunities to bid for the task. It also helps minimize risks and ensure that the organization obtains the necessary goods or services on the best possible terms.

The plan may vary depending on the complexity and scope of the procurement, but some common elements include:

1. Project Identification:
A description of the project, indicating the purpose, scope, and the required goods or services.

2. Needs Analysis:
An analysis of the organization's or project's needs, identifying specific requirements and specifications for the desired goods or services.

3. Budget Allocation:
Allocating funds and establishing financial guidelines for the tendering process.

4. Market Analysis:
Evaluating the market to identify potential suppliers, competitive prices, and market trends.

5. Tendering Method:
Determining the best method for soliciting bids, such as public tendering, restricted tendering, competitive dialogue, or direct negotiations.

6. Preparation of Tender Documentation:
Preparation of all necessary documents and specifications to be presented to potential suppliers, including tender conditions, contract details, and technical requirements.

7. Tender Process Schedule:
Establishing a timeframe for the entire tendering process, including dates for tender notices, submission deadlines, and evaluation of bids.

8. Communication with Suppliers:
Establishing procedures for communicating with potential suppliers, answering questions, and providing any updates during the tendering process.

9. Evaluation and Awarding:
Criteria and procedures for evaluating received bids and awarding the contract to the most qualified supplier.

10. Contracting:
Procedures for drafting and signing contracts with the selected suppliers, including all necessary legal and contractual matters.

11. Reporting and Monitoring:
Implementing reporting and monitoring systems to evaluate the tendering process and ensure compliance with guidelines and regulations.

What is Digital Transformation? (Workflows)

Digital transformation refers to the comprehensive integration and utilization of digital technologies, processes, and cultures in all aspects of an organization to drive business improvements and create added value. It is not just about implementing new technology but also restructuring business processes, cultural elements, and customer experiences to fully leverage digital opportunities.

Digital transformation can have profound effects on an organization and its competitiveness. It aims to create more agile, innovative, and customer-centric businesses capable of adapting to the changing demands of the digital landscape. Companies often undergo digital transformation to improve operational efficiency, increase innovation, reach new markets, and adapt to the evolving expectations of customers and stakeholders.

Key elements of digital transformation include:

1. Technology Integration: Implementation of new technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and other digital tools to automate processes, enhance efficiency, and enable data-driven decisions.

2. Business Processes:
Reviewing and restructuring existing business processes to ensure they fully leverage digital tools and create more agile and efficient workflows.

3. Customer Experiences:
Creating digital experiences that address customers' needs and expectations. This may include digital interfaces, service personalization, and using data to enhance customer interaction.

4. Data Utilization:
Efficient collection, analysis, and utilization of large amounts of data to gain insights, optimize decision-making processes, and support innovation.

5. Organizational Culture:
Establishing a culture that is open to change, innovation, and technological integration. This may involve employee training, fostering collaboration, and encouraging experimentation.

6. Management Engagement:
Active involvement and support from leadership are crucial for driving digital transformation. Leadership should advocate for change, encourage risk-taking, and promote a culture of continuous improvement.

7. Security and Compliance:
Integrating security measures to protect digital assets and data as well as compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

What is Green procurement?

Green procurement, also known as sustainable procurement or environmentally friendly procurement, refers to purchasing practices where organizations and consumers prioritize products and services that have less negative impact on the environment and promote sustainability. The purpose of green procurement is to reduce the overall environmental impact of consumption and business activities by choosing goods and services that are produced and delivered with consideration for environmental, social, and economic factors.

Green procurement can be implemented at both consumer level and in businesses and public organizations. Many companies and institutions adopt green procurement policies to reduce their environmental footprint and demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. Green procurement plays an important role in efforts to move towards more sustainable consumption and production patterns and achieve global environmental goals.

Key elements of green procurement practices include:

1. Environmental certifications:
Choosing products and services that carry recognized environmental certifications, such as Energy Star, EU Ecolabel, or other eco-labels indicating that the goods are produced with sustainability in mind.

2. Life cycle analysis:
Considering the entire life cycle of a product, including raw material extraction, production, distribution, use, and disposal, to assess the overall environmental impact.

3. Energy consumption and carbon footprint:
Assessing the energy consumption and related CO2 emissions of products and services to promote choices that reduce climate impact.

4. Reuse and recycling:
Prioritizing products that are reusable or made from recycled materials, and supporting the purchase of recycled or recyclable products.

5. Local and sustainable sourcing:
Promoting local sourcing to reduce transportation distances and support sustainable production methods and suppliers.

5. Social responsibility:
Considering social and ethical factors, including labor conditions, worker rights, and supplier social responsibility.

6. Ecodesign:
Promoting products designed for minimal environmental impact, longer lifespan, and easy disassembly for recycling or proper disposal.

7. Energy efficiency:
Choosing appliances, equipment, and technologies that are energy-efficient and meet high environmental standards.

6. Promotion of sustainable practices:
Collaborating with suppliers and partners actively pursuing sustainable business practices.